This article will outline the steps to create a Recurring Workflow on Sidekick.
Recurring Workflows are triggered at a regular interval set by you. When the workflow is triggered, Sidekick sends a message to your Slack/ MS Teams, with a list of Objects that match certain filter criteria defined by you.
Let’s take an example.
Say you want to create a Recurring Workflow where Sidekick sends a message to your Slack/ MS Teams, on a weekly basis, with a list of all the new Contacts created in the last 7 days, that haven’t been worked on yet. And let’s your team update the Lead Status property for each new contact, directly from Slack/ MS Teams.
Here are the steps to create this Recurring Workflow:
Step 1: Select your Object type and Trigger type: For this use case, the “Object Type” is Contact, because we want this workflow to get triggered based on new contact creation on HubSpot. And the “Trigger Type” is Time Based.
Step 2: Workflow Details: Next, in the Workflow Details section, add a Name and Description for your workflow, so it’s easy to find in your list of workflows when you need it.
Step 3: Workflow Trigger: This is where you choose the frequency, and the exact time at which you want Sidekick to send the recurring message for this workflow. Say you select Weekly, Friday, 5 PM. With this, Sidekick will now send a recurring message to your Slack/ MS Teams, every Friday at 5 PM.
Step 4: Destination: This is where you choose whom to message on Slack/ MS Teams. You can choose from:
- Channel: This will show a list of all the available public Channels for Sidekick to post on.
- Deal Channel: This option will send the message on the mapped Deal Channel. This is only available for Deal based workflows. Please ensure you have HubSpot deals and Slack/ MS Teams channels mapped for this to run successfully.
- Owner Type: If you want to route the message as a Direct Message on Slack/ MS Teams to the Object owner, choose “Owner Type”. This will allow you to choose HubSpot owner properties to route the message to.
- Direct Message: This will populate a list of all the users you can choose to Direct Message.
Step 5: Message Template: Choose the Slack/ MS Teams message Template you want to send with this workflow. You will only see compatible Templates in the dropdown list, i.e. Templates with the same Object Type and Trigger Type. If you need to create a new Template for a workflow, head over to Sidekick’s Templates page.
Once you’re done adding all the details, click on “Create Workflow” & you’re good to go!
You can now get started with creating your own Recurring Workflows on Sidekick. Please feel free to connect with our team if you need help or have questions about what’s possible on Sidekick.